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How to Relieve Pain Until Your Appointment

Posted on 6/19/2023 by Evan
How to Relieve Pain Until Your AppointmentThe damages caused due to tooth infections can often lead to intolerable pain and inflammation. We do try to get you in ASAP, especially when you are in pain, but while you are waiting for your appointment, you can alleviate the severe pain using the following techniques:

Ice Pack Compression

Lightly compress an ice pack on the infected and swollen area. It's best to leave the ice pack pressed there for at least fifteen minutes to relieve pain. You can repeat this process multiple times a day.

Clove Oil Relief

Press a cotton ball soaked with clove oil on the infected tooth for fifteen minutes to experience instant pain relief. You can repeat this process three times a day.

Cold Chamomile Tea Bag

Make chamomile green tea and leave the teabag in the fridge, dipped in the drink until it is cooled. Then, take the cold tea bag and press it gently on the infected tooth for ten minutes.

Over-the-Counter Medicines

You can use over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate toothache and inflammation. However, it's best to remember that this is only a short-term cure for pain and not a permanent solution.

Avoid Sugary Items and Hot/Cold Beverages

Sugar items can be detrimental for you when you're already suffering from severe toothache. Moreover, the infected tooth is already quite sensitive, which is why you should do your best to avoid cold or hot beverages that can elevate the pain.

Medicines that treat bacterial infections, including antibiotics, are ineffective in permanently treating a tooth infection. This only leaves you with the option of visiting our office as soon as possible. At Precision Dental Specialties, Dr. Scott E. Bulloch examine your teeth and gums while utilizing their years of knowledge and expertise to suggest the most appropriate treatment you would require. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 435-522-5629 today!
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Precision Dental Specialties, 754 S Main St, Suite 5, St. George, UT 84770, 435-522-5629,, 9/4/2024, Related Phrases: oral surgeon St. George UT,