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What Are The Rules Before A Tooth Extraction?

Posted on 11/1/2023 by Precision Dental Specialties
Woman about to get tooth extraction done at Precision Dental Specialties in St. George, UTGetting ready for tooth extraction can be overwhelming and stressful. However, being thoroughly prepared for the procedure can make it more manageable. Your tooth can be extracted if you have severe tooth decay, toothache, or gum disease. A tooth can be removed through a simple extraction or surgical extraction. Here are the rules to follow for you to have a successful tooth extraction procedure:

Ask Questions

Feel free to ask any questions during your consultation for the tooth extraction procedure. Don't fear to inquire about anything, even if you think it might sound trivial or silly. Your dentist is there to provide you with the information you need and to address any concerns you may have.

Follow Instructions

Your dentist may provide recommendations for both pre and post-treatment care. The tooth extraction process will likely proceed more smoothly by adhering to these instructions. After the treatment, consider consuming soft foods to prevent irritating the extraction site.

Share Your Medical History

Before commencing the tooth removal process, it is essential to reveal your complete medical history to your dentist. Thoroughly share information concerning biomechanical heart valves, bacterial endocarditis, liver disease, congenital heart defect, impaired immune system, and artificial joint replacements. Talking about these medical details with your dentist will aid in preventing any potential complications during the procedure.

Avoid Eating

Refraining from eating anything for 12 hours before the procedure is advisable to minimize the risk of nausea during and after the surgery. Also, don't take alcohol and avoid smoking for at least 24 hours before the extraction. However, if you are undergoing a local anesthetic, the fasting duration may be shorter, so it's essential to inquire beforehand. If you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, that prevents you from fasting, inform your surgeon.

Plan For Transport

If you will be getting sedation, arranging for your transport in advance is crucial. The effects of anesthesia can impair judgment, making driving unsafe. Ask a friend or family member to provide transportation. In situations where there are no familiar drivers available, you can consider using a taxi or relying on public transportation if you will be administered nitrous oxide.

Plan For Post-extraction Care

Ensure proper aftercare by preparing for post-extraction care. Consume soft foods and how to manage pain. Also, make sure you follow any specific instructions provided by your dentist.
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